Have you used SchoolhouseTeachers.com yet? If not, I'm wondering why not. This resource has over 360 online self-paced classes for students from preschool up through high school. During the month of January there is a sale on the Yearly Membership for new members, only $90/year with coupon code NEWYEAR18. That is a huge savings over the standard rate of $179!
If you have been reading the blog for a while, you'll know that every year I like to give you an update about some of the new features on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. This year is no exception! For this review I want to focus on a few of the available resources I have found most helpful while homeschooling high school. They have a lot of Homeschool parent support available on SchooolhouseTeachers.com.
There are two things you need before your student can graduate high school, a transcript, and a diploma! Yes, I know, your student needs to complete (and understand) a lot of basic and elective courses to earn those two, but for the moment, let's focus on the parents ok?! From past experience, I know that some parents cower in fear at the thought of making a transcript. I've even seen parents put their kids into a traditional school for high school because they thought themselves ill-equipped to compose a transcript. Don't fail your kids now! High school can be a wonderful jumping-off point to their adult lives, or it can be a disaster. It is up to you, the parent, to decide which course of action will give them the best shot at that jump. We chose to educate our girls all the way through graduation. One is a successful college student, and the other is a high school senior.
One of the best resources available with a Yearly Membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com is the Gold level of Applecore Recordkeeping! Seriously people - this makes the last step before you hand that child a diploma so much easier. I am a paper record keeper. All of the girls' high school classes and grades are scrawled upon pages in my purple binder. It is the place where I keep all the random, and not so random, lists and records from high school. Planning, doing, and recording. But when it came time to make Emily's transcript, all it took was about an hour of quiet, my binder, and Applecore. It takes you step by step through entering your child's courses and grades, then it figures their GPA for you, and asks you how you want to save or print the transcript. Super easy compared to trying to do it yourself! Another great option is being able to go back and edit that transcript and print or email it again as needed. There is a 12 minute instructional video on SchoolhouseTeachers.com that is big help. watch it before you get started!
There is also a High School Help section on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. It explains what weighted classes are, helps you understand the scope & sequence of the high school classes available, and helps with career exploration. This section also has high school planning printouts, and the High School Schoolhouse Planner, an all-time favorite of ours. This digital file has just about every high school form and calendar page you could think of.
Now, back to the students...
What if your high schooler wants to take a class you don't know how to, or do not want to teach? Check out the available offerings on SchoolhouseTeachers.com and see if you can find something there for them to use. There are the standard offerings you might expect, like math, science, history, and language arts, but there are also great electives to choose from. Maybe your student is interested in accounting, or wants to do a unit study on maple syrup? Those are available. They can also access the World Book libraries with your SchoolhouseTeachers.com membership and follow timelines of transportation, or the history of sports and games. While many of the World Book offerings are geared for younger students, your homeschooled high schooler can find a lot there as well.
Do your state's graduation requirements include speech or foreign language credit for your high schooler? SchoolhouseTeachers.com has those too!
Arlene likes watching videos, and some of our favorites are included with the Right Now Media videos on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. I am pretty sure she would sit and watch Drive Thru History all week long if I would let her!
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