Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Write 31 days, 31 days of 5 minute free writes, writing

How do we make a difference in this world?

As I sit down to type I am reminded of what our pastor said on Sunday morning: when the Gospel makes a difference in you, then it will make a difference around you.

That is the crux of the matter. 
Do we let the Gospel of Jesus Christ make a difference in us?

Do we embrace the truth that we were lost and now we are found? That we were dead and now we are alive? That we were separated from God, but because of Jesus we can be children of God? Those truths define what it means to become a Christian and follow Jesus Christ!

Without these truths from the good news about Jesus, we can affect no lasting change in our world. With these truths, and keeping our focus on loving the world around us, we can be the change. Because once God changes our hearts, they can love others and influence them with Christ's love.

How do we change the world? Jesus!

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