Saturday, October 27, 2018


31 days of five minute free writes, encouragement, living

- of short duration
- concise in expression, using few words

Do either of these definitions come to mind when you hear the phrase, "Let me be brief" ???

Too often we stick in words that do not need to be said, and are not brief, but it seems almost as often that we are too brief and forget the words that really should be said.

What are those words we should be saying, and how might they change someone's day, someone's year, someone's life?

I love you

You are valued

I am so thankful for you

You are doing a really good job

Thank you for your help today 

Jesus died for you because He loves you

Your life matters

You are important to me

Your hard work makes my job easier - thanks!

I will listen for as long as you need to talk

I am here if you need me, and I want to be needed

Life is more fun with you around

I am a sinner saved by grace

God has been so good to me

It is not me, it is Jesus

Congratulations, I am so happy for you!

I love you!

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