Monday, December 9, 2013

Technically Challenged

Ever feel technically challenged? Ever get frustrated with your computer ... or a program on it because you just can't seem to get it to do something? Me too. I am often technically challenged. I used to get really upset when I couldn't figure out the "How-to's."

After all, I'm usually pretty bright, and I did grow up with computers at school, but sometimes technology just escapes me. 

In the past, I would try to 'search' for the answer on the internet. The main problem with that method is that most of the responses would include other technical jargon I didn't understand. (Which would lead to endless searches.)

Now, I have a new approach. I ask my friends. Especially my blogging friends. They are amazing. Just this morning, I couldn't figure out how to share a particular link. (Put on my thinking cap, try twice,...nothing.) So I went and asked one of my blogging friends who I knew understood ...because I had seen her 'share' the way I had been trying to.

My friend Meg from Adventures with Jude knew just what to do. It worked! Huzzah! 

I may feel technically challenged again tomorrow. That's OK, I'll remember the important key: ask your friends for help. Isn't that usually the answer anyway?!

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