This verse from Jeremiah has long been one of my favorites. In the midst of trial, persecution, slavery, and a whole host of other repercussions towards the Nation of Israel because of their disobedience - God still had an expected end planned for them. Other translations say it like this "a hope and a future." With all of the coming (and ongoing) judgments that they were facing, Jeremiah still had this hope to hold out to the Israelites. That hope is still held out for us today.
God can make wonderful, glorious ends to our rotten no good, horrible days. It takes God's perspective, and God's power. We cannot get ourselves out of our big messes, we need Him. God works in our lives so that we may bring Him glory.
Just like the little plants in the picture above, our lives are full of intricate details. God sees each detail, He controls those details, He created us. Stand in awe at how much the Father loves us, and how intimately involved He is in our lives ~ thoughts of peace.
Whatever today's joy or struggle, know that God is right there with you, working it all out to give you an expected end. May your day bring Him glory.

Want more encouragement?
My friend Brenda has a Verse of the Week Linkup over at Counting Pinecones.