Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thankful Thursdays ~ Graciousness

graciousness, thankfulness, thankful Thursdays

Graciousness - n. courteousness, kindness, pleasantness

I am so thankful for the graciousness of attitude I have encountered so much in recent weeks. So many times I have found myself thankful for a kind cashier at the store, a well-spoken word from a friend, or the overwhelming grace of our Lord.

As I sat thinking yesterday about it being 40 days until Christmas, I was overwhelmed by how gracious God has been to me. It made me pause and think about how much I want to celebrate the goodness of God this season. All day today, little things kept reminding me of His faithfulness and provision.

When you find someone being gracious, notice it, remember it, and try to do likewise. 

If we all spent our time showing graciousness, instead of trying to be "right" all the time, the world would be a much nicer place.

What are you thankful for today?

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