Friday, August 4, 2017


Today's Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: try

five minute friday writing prompt, try

Do or do not, there is no try. 

What comes to mind when you hear the word try? For me, this quote from Yoda from a Star Wars movie popped into my head. Why? Maybe I was just in a strange mood this morning, or maybe, it's because it is true.

We often hear about trying harder to achieve a goal, or trying something new. But the reality is, more often we need to decide to do something well, or not do it at all. 

When our children are little it makes sense to encourage them to try again. To continue to work at a skill, like tying their shoes or riding a bicycle. But as adults, we might need to just buckle down and do something. Maybe we do not do it as wells we would like, thus we might say we tried to do it. Let's just be keepers of our word and do the things we say we will. If we really do not expect to get something done, we should just say "no," not... "I'll try."

We cannot make God love us more then He already does. We do not need to try to win His favor. What we need to do is simply follow Him. Some days we will do a good job of it, and some days we will mess up. But we will be doing something. We will not try to read His word, we will read His word. We will decide to give up the world for Jesus - at least that is my hope for each one of us!


  1. What a lovely post! And, yes! "...just buckle down and do something." After nearly 56 years of "trying" this is what I'm learning. On your blogger profile a couple or three things grabbed my attention...home educating (I'm a 26-year veteran homeschool mom and 13 of our 15 grands are being home educated), loving Jesus (I do, too, with all my heart), and prairie. I live in southwest Missouri on the very edge of the tallgrass prairie that extends out through the Flint Hills of Kansas and I work at Prairie State Park. I am a naturalist there and part of my job includes creating and teaching all of the homeschool and preschool programs offered there. I just wanted to say that it is nice to "meet" you and I'd love to know more about your prairie. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Carol, that is excellent. I know that I prompt my girls with "try" but you're right - even then it is "do it again". I greatly appreciate the correction in my word choice. I enjoyed your post. Thank you. - Lori
