By now you might have heard us mention a few times. It is a fantastic resource that offers a lot of benefits for the entire family. Until May 31st it is ON SALE!!!
I thought you'd like that. :)
I have been meaning to tell you about a recent addition to for a couple of weeks, but life got so busy I just couldn't fit it in. But now, there is time to give you all the great details ~ plus an extra bonus I just found out about last week!
So here is the deal. Just about a month ago added a huge amount of new content when they partnered with World Book. That's right, a World Book encyclopedia you can access directly from World Book is the encyclopedia I grew up using in school. Good stuff, not too lengthy, not too short. This is not just one resource, but a whole host of resources for all ages from PreK to High School. There is even a World Book Library in Spanish for ages K-4th grade. People, this is HUGE! Usually you would pay quite a bit for one online World Book library subscription, but with a membership you get access to ten of them! You can access the information through by Library, or by Grade and Subject. We have only peeked around so far, but we have found quite a bit of cool information. I am really looking forward to spending more time going through this resource over the summer to see how Arlene might use it effectively this fall for her coursework.
Now, if the addition of World Book wasn't enough, there is a SALE going on through the end of May. If you use the coupon code SPRINGSAVINGS you can get the Ultimate Annual membership to for just $99! Why is that such a value? Well, frankly, if you wanted to buy your family online access to the World Book Libraries alone it would be more than $99. Then you need to think about the fact that has over 300 course available to choose from. Included are a vast array of video resources, from 30 seconds to 30 minutes in length, from Right Now Media. Oh, and don't forget the downloadable planners, or the Applecore record keeping. I used Applecore to complete and print Emily's transcript when she graduated from high school last December, and it was so easy to use!
About those videos... you might remember we had a great time watching "The Gospels" from Drive Thru History® earlier this year. The American History series from Drive Thru History is currently available on Yup, we're hooked!

Ok, now for the latest reason I learned about just last week why I think you should click over and get your family a subscription to today: The Old Schoolhouse magazine is going to start offering a print edition twice a year, instead of just printing the winter issue, and having the others be digital. That's right folks, the Summer 2017 issue of The Old Schoolhouse will be headed to the printer in early June... and ... if you get a membership by the end of May, you can go to your Member Dashboard and order a copy of the Summer Print Issue at no additional cost! Sweet! Your Member Dashboard will include all the necessary instructions and coupon codes to claim your print issue.
Ready yet? Great! Click on the link or banner below and they will take you to so you can sign up for an Ultimate Annual Membership for only $99 with coupon code: SPRINGSAVINGS
Still need more information before you decide? Read some of our past reviews of here, here, or here.
Happy Savings!
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