Friday, March 15, 2013

Hands-On-Projects and Fieldtrips!

If you're known us for a while, you know that we are almost always working on a hands-on project, or going on a fieldtrip. These two go hand-in-hand because they take learning to a deeper level. Making something, or doing something related to what you've been studying can help you retain the information.

I've often said "Life is a Fieldtrip!" When our girls were little, we went on a fieldtrip almost every week. Friday was set aside as the day to be out of the house "doing" something. While we don't always go on a fieldtrip every Friday now that the girls are older...often they volunteer at Conner Prairie as costumed interpreters on Fridays. So sometimes they ARE the fieldtrip!

Don't worry, we still get in a LOT of fieldtrips and hands-on projects. Below you'll see pictures of just a few of the places we've been, or things we've been doing over the past year.

If you subscribe to our blog, every Thursday you'll find a "Thankful Thursday" post, many of which highlight our favorite activities and/or places to go.

Remember, this is a blog hop! Click the links below our pictures to learn about how other families use Hands-On Projects!

4-H Archery w/ friends
What could be more Hands-on than ice cream?

Tree climbing- hand and feet-on :)

How about a trip to the Children's museum of Indianapolis with your cousins?

Orville Wright re-enactor

Trip to the zoo w/Grammy Mary

Last Spring, Arlene received her Timothy Award and Emily received her Meritorious Award at Awana

We watched these goats being born at Conner Prairie

Our friend, Mike Marsh, explaining how the Gatlin gun works during Civil War days @ CP

Legos- need I say more?

The swallowtail caterpillar eating our parsley, we consider it a fair exchange!

Another trip to CP

Another trip to the zoo w/Gram

Just a small part of our Butterfly garden we have been adding to for the past 3 summers
Small investment, big rewards!

 Another fun day at Conner Prairie, with our cousins & family

A spelling lesson, or a tasty snack? Why not both!

Arlene's favorite hands-on project- her backpack

Emily modeling at the State Fair Fashion Revue

Waiting to hear Vivaldi @ Symphony on the Prairie

The Gene Stratton Porter home in Rome City, IN

Grandpa (Papa) took us on a fieldtrip to Feast of the Hunter's Moon, near Lafayette, IN

Here are a couple shots of the girls at work at Conner Prairie, "Being" someone else's fieldtrip!
Arlene and her friend Grace

Arlene- 1863

Emily in 1836

Emily "working?" in the Animal encounters barn

Here are some links to our "favorite" fieldtrips spots

****Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.****

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