Wednesday, March 11, 2020


freeform poetry, five minute writes, life

Life is not lived along a line
from here to there

It twists and turns
goes up and down
and all around the bends and berms

You stretch and reach
while others teach
how to get past roadblocks
and doors that are locked

Life is not lived along a line
from here to there

Life travels cross the oceans wide
while emotions try to hide
your frustrations and desires

You feel your breath escape
as mountains challenge
and valleys quake

At times you wonder 
where is there?
And can I ever reach it?

Life is a journey
that is sure 
to test you and to try

But along the paths
you find some friends
and joy is found again

You do not wish for here or there
instead enjoying the in-betweens
where life is lived in full

Those twists and turns
become your story
that leads another forward

You become the one
who offers hope
of life with meaning
when words tell your story

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