Saturday, September 29, 2018


Kate's word for this week is: potential

Just 5 minutes to write, here we go...

We begin each day with the potential to do great acts of service for God, to share joy, and to love those around us. 

Some days we use that potential well, other days we squander it by focusing on the wrong things. It takes a mindset and a heart-set of choosing to follow God to live in our potential. Too often we are distracted but he things of the world. We let the actions of other people get on our nerves and distract us from where we are headed. 

On some of our toughest days it can be difficult to choose joy. When we hear about the death of an acquaintance or when there is more month left than money we can end up focusing on the struggle instead of focusing on the great God who loves us.

Each of us has potential to live a full life in Christ. May we choose today to live in that fullness, to allow God to work through us, and to enjoy that potential to love others and dwell in the joy only Christ can give!

*You may notice a difference in the post today. After Emily spent a lot of time last semester learning about simple ways to help dyslexics have an easier time reading, we are trying a change to the Ariel font. It may not look as pretty as those other fonts, but hopefully it makes it easier for our readers!

1 comment:

  1. "Each of us has potential to live a full life in Christ. May we choose today to live in that fullness, to allow God to work through us, and to enjoy that potential to love others and dwell in the joy only Christ can give!" Amen, Carol. Amen. I appreciate the wisdom you shared.
