Sunday, September 24, 2017


I know, I know, it's not Friday anymore... but I was busy mowing the yard and cleaning the house. Friday had other priorities. 
That's just one of those things we have to accept, that God orders our days and we often must do what needs done instead of what we might rather do. Work before play.

So here goes, my belated Five Minute Friday writing about this week's prompt: accept

five minute friday writing prompt, accept, God's plans

Some days life is full of things that are easy to accept, and other days are so very trying.

This summer brought so many difficult things, and yet, I know that God is using them to make me whole again... in His timing, not in mine.

I find myself wondering when the new normal will settle in, or if it ever will. Do I even really want a normal life? 

No, not really. 

I want a life filled with joy and adventure.

And while my life has been emotionally challenging this year, it has still been filled with joy and adventure. So now, it is up to me, do I accept this life as God has prepared it for me, or do I struggle and fight against His plan? 

I want to surrender, to accept that His ways and plans are high than mine. While I ponder what that might mean for the future, I know this: He will be there, upholding me by His mighty hand.

When you think you are at the end of your rope, look up, and see the stars. If He knows the name of each star, surely He knows our names as well.

1 comment:

  1. "While I ponder what that might mean for the future, I know this: He will be there, upholding me by His mighty hand." Yes! He is here now, and He is there in the future when we arrive.
    Visiting you from spot #71. God bless!
