Monday, October 20, 2014

Mommy Blogger

"You are a Mommy Blogger," Arlene stated as she kissed my head and walked out of the room just now. Last night the girls and I watched "Moms' Night Out." We laughed, we cried, and I think the girl have a better understanding of how overwhelmed I sometimes feel with this whole Motherhood thing.  I loved the movie when I went to see it back in May with some of my best Mom-friends, and I enjoyed it again yesterday.

Moms, stress, Mommy Bloggers

I had never really thought of myself as a Mommy Blogger before Arlene's comment. When I think of Mommy Bloggers, I think of ladies with little kids, perfect hair, and about 3000 pins on Pinterest. Moms who make play-doh from scratch and have their family's pictures taken in matching clothes every year.  I, on the other hand, have teenagers, graying hair, and have only recently dipped my toes into Pinterest. Let's not even talk about how much play-doh I've purchased, or how long it has been since we had a family picture taken. Nevertheless, I think back to what Sean Austin's character said to his "wife" in Moms' Night Out. "You have something to say. Your job is important." 

On my own, nothing I say makes a difference, but, with God's help, maybe  my words can offer encouragement to others. My job as a Mom is important. Of that I am sure. Just take a look around at what happens when I'm not at home, or when my attitude is poor. The Dad may be the Spiritual leader of the household, but the Mom is the emotional leader, and when she falls, its a mess.

That leads me to this: What am I modeling to our daughters? Yesterday I was a very bad example of how to be a Mom and Wife. Today, God is giving me a new chance. Thankfully His mercies are new every morning! I must choose to surrender to God's will for my life. That is the only way to make a positive impact on others.

So to all you Mommies out there who are struggling with something, take heart. I know life is tough, yet I also know that GOD IS ALWAYS FAITHFUL! He will not leave you or forsake you. Each day you can find new mercy and strength. Hopefully you can find joy in Him for your journey. It doesn't matter if you're a blogger or not, what color your hair is or if you've even heard of Pinterest. What does matter is that as a daughter of the King, God wants to care for you and love you through each and every day of your motherhood.

From one Mom to another -
     Your job is important!

1 comment:

  1. Can I tell you just how wonderful it was to read your post this morning? Yes, I really, really needed these words.

    Our entire family adores this movie. SO good!

    Hugs to you, friend! :)
