Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thankful Thursdays -5/15/14 - Apple Crisp

Life gets busy doesn't it ?! You don't usually try to overwhelm yourself with things to do (at least I don't) but sometimes it happens. That's one reason why I'm thankful for apple crisp. It's one of those go-to desserts (dare I suggest breakfasts?) that only takes a little prep work, and comes out nearly perfect every time. 

Another reason I'm thankful for apple crisp is because it has a short, inexpensive ingredient list. In this day of high food prices, it's nice to treat your family to a healthy dessert that won't break the budget. 

Today I'm especially grateful for Arlene, who made us apple crisp for dinner with a $0.99 bag of mark-down apples. The trusty apple peeler-corer-slicer took care of the few blemishes, and now dessert is ready early (and we can take a quick trip to the library) ! The total cost ? Less than $2!

In case you'd like to be thankful for apple crisp too, here is our favorite recipe: (Straight from Betty Crocker herself- LOL!)

Heta oven to 325 degrees F
grease square pan 8x8"
peel/core/slices 4-6 medium apples
arrange apples in pan

make topping (ingredients below) and sprinkle over apples
Bake for about 30-35 minutes until golden brown & apples are tender

1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup oats
1/3 cup butter, softened
3/4 tsp cinnamon
apple crisp, inexpensive desserts

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