Tuesday, September 24, 2019


There are so many voices out there telling us to do this or that, to buy this or that, ...even to eat this or that. When do we choose to stop listening to the external voices and listen to the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us instead?

I might really like something I make, be it a pie, a blog post, or a piece of art. I can find people to tell me it is wonderful, and others who will criticize me. 

It is up to me to decide which voices I listen to.

For all of my life it seems I have been a jack-of-all-trades, and a master of none. As a homeschooling mom this was an asset, being able to touch a lot of things and make them work. In the business world though, we are often told to pick one thing and stick with it until we become a master at it. Can we possibly be over-qualified and under-qualified for a job at the same time?

So which do I want to be? 

Which one brings me joy?

There have been two constants through all of my life: knowing that God loves me and provides for me, and knowing that my Mom loves me dearly. Other relationships have shifted and changed over the years, jobs and homes have changed, but these two have always loved me.

How do I transfer this knowledge on to our own daughters? How can I continue, even since they have reached adulthood, to impress upon their minds that God loves them and will always provide for them, and that I will love them forever?

The best answer I have found is to model these two truths with my life - both my words and my actions.

Too often we get caught up in the notion that there is only one right answer for our lives. What if we stepped back to rest more in God and learned that there is a road full of right answers? It might be a narrow road, but it is still a road, not a tightrope.

As I finish stepping from one season of life fully into the next, I want to model that there are still choices to be made. Then I want to consider those choices in light of the promptings of the Holy Spirit. How might God be wanting to use my talents? How might I be able to do the things that bring me joy and still be able to pay the bills? How might I strike out along that narrow road and find that it is full of colorful possibilities that cause me to grow as a Christian, and still serve those around me? 

Where are the answers I have been seeking about what comes next? 

I used to think I was a pretty patient person, then God granted me a lot of opportunities to practice patience. I've learned that I have quite a ways to go towards becoming a truly patient person - LOL!

Just a few days ago I was reading in Acts 1, where Jesus said to his disciples "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority." (v.7) While I know this verse was in reference to when Jesus would return and establish His earthly Kingdom, it spoke to me in another way as well. Why am I so focused on what comes next? When will I learn to be content with today? Will I choose to trust in His provision, or waver back into fear?

A few short months ago I would not have had this honest discussion with myself.

What changed?

As a church we have been studying how our emotions affect our spirituality - for both the good and the bad. It has been a time of stretching as never before as I have had to face my fears and struggles with my other emotions. What I have found is that God offers emotional healing to each and every one of us - but He will not force us to take it.

Oh dear ones - I hope you will accept this gift He offers!

Jesus gave His life that we might be forgiven of our sins - that is a glorious redemption that is freely offered to any who would bow their knee and accept their need. But our transformation should not stop there! Jesus promised His followers the Holy Spirit. How many times have we tried to shush the Spirit when He is talking to our hearts? Too many!

October is coming up soon. I will be joining in the 31 days or five minute free writes again, organized by my friend Kate. I will be sharing little snippets of my journey towards being emotionally healthy. This is not about my mental health apart from my relationship with God, but rather, how addressing my emotional needs has drawn me closer to God that I've ever been before. I hope you'll tag along, and find encouragement for your own journey!

I'm off to find some more joy :)

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