Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hebrews 11:1-2

Scripture Writing, hand lettering, Bible verses

What do we hope for?

As Christians, our faith should be in Jesus Christ, and not in the things of this world. 

It is easy to get caught up in hoping for temporary things: a bigger paycheck, a better marriage, a sunny day instead of rain on our vacation. But these are just temporary, and we need to guard against focusing on them. The world around us tells us to get all we can from life - and Jesus tells us to give all we can during this life.

Which one will you choose? The getting, or the giving?

For myself, I choose to hope in the certainty of Jesus' return. He said He was coming again, and that is what I will place my faith in. The reminders from His word that He will wipe away every tear, that there is room for us in His Kingdom, and that one day with Him is better than a thousand elsewhere.

What are you hoping for?

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