Friday, June 16, 2017


Today's Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: worth

five minute friday writing prompt, worth

How can I sum up worth? Outside of Christ I have none. It is a simple fact that on my own I stink at this thing called life. Thankfully, God is so fullmercy and grace that He wanted to redeem me and now my WORTH is found in the righteousness of Christ's blood that was shed for me.

My writing only has worth as I use it to glorify God, so that is my goal - to point others to our loving Heavenly Father.

My parenting only has worth as I use it to show our daughters the grace and mercy that God holds out as a gift for them each day.

My role as wife is only worth having as I choose to love my husband as God commands, putting others before myself.

My life has worth today, because of Christ. I am joyful and sing, even through the trials, even through the days with pains, because I know that this life is temporary, and the life that awaits me with Christ is eternal, and full of joy. 

"I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, for His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."

May you find your worth in Jesus Christ. He is enough, and you are worth His sacrifice!


  1. Yes, yes, yes. So simply but beautifully put. - Lori

  2. I really like how you pulled that together Carol, how worth is shown in all those different positions in relation to our relationship with Christ.

  3. Carol, thank you for the reminder that our worth is in Christ! (your FMF neighbor)

  4. yes! Thank you for the reminders of the purpose behind parenting, being a wife and writer. So often we get caught up in our own agendas we forget that the end goal is to glorify him!
