Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thankful Thursdays - 3/12/15 - Museum Gardens

museum gardens, inspiration

We are thankful for museum gardens.

Those gardens that look spectacular most of the year, that require no effort on our part but to simply enjoy them, those are ones to be thankful for today. Later in the year I'll be thankful for my own garden. Many museums have a variety of gardens to enjoy, and several let you visit the gardens at no charge.

When I read books about manor houses, I think of gardens I have seen at various museums to give my imagination wings. While our yard is too small for a large, showy garden, museum gardens are often large and lavish. The picture above is from a recent visit to the Indianapolis Museum of Art's gardens. It was just a moment in time that Arlene and I sat down to chat...and I asked her sister Emily to snap a photo. So rarely am I in a photo because I'm usually the one taking the pictures! I thought it would be nice to have a picture of me and my almost 15 year old baby-girl.

Museum gardens give us space to walk and imagine, they often have great subject matter to draw, paint, or photograph, and the larger ones give us plenty of exercise room as we walk from end to end. I've found that if you like the garden, you'll probably like the museum. Spring is just around the corner - why not scope out a local museum's gardens and watch life unfold? Perhaps its time for a little nature study, or a little art class. Or maybe, just maybe, you need the quiet solitude of the garden to regroup. Whatever your reasons, find a museum garden to call your own this year!

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