Friday, May 26, 2017


Five minutes of writing on today’s prompt: visit

visit, five minute friday writing prompt

“Come for a visit.” Have you ever heard those words? Do they sound too old fashioned? Did you accept the offer? Too often we hear invitations to visit, to take time for fellowship, and we decide that we are too busy to accept them. How has that happened? If we, with the modern conveniences of indoor plumbing, not to mention electric washers and dryers for our laundry, cannot find the time to accept an invitation to visit for an hour or two, what have we done?! 

Life is too short, and fellowship with other believers too precious, to miss out on a visit, a time of refreshing. Those other things can wait. Frankly, if they can’t wait then they probably were not that important at all. The Bible warns us to not forget the assembling of the saints. (Hebrews 10:25.) While the directive there is for weekly worship and study of God’s Word, it can also be applied to our daily lives. We need to be a part of a community, even a small one, to thrive in this life. Perhaps your friend or relative invited you for a visit to refresh you, or maybe, because they needed to be refreshed. You won’t know God’s purpose for the visit until you go.

Go for a visit. If you haven’t been invited for one this week, then find someone to invite to visit you. Take time for fellowship, community, and a visit.


  1. Love this. It's so true. And we're always better for it!

  2. Yes, I agree with you. It is so valuable to spend time in community--we learn and grow together! Have a blessed holiday weekend. I'm visiting from FMF.

    1. That's one of the things I like about FMF, the community!

  3. "You won't know God's purpose for the visit until you go." Such wisdom here, Carol!

    Just today, I received an email from I usually delete them, but for some reason I opened this one, and itled me to reconnexion with someone I have not seen for decades. It was a wonderful visit. And it gave me a kind of closure 9as I am terminally ill) and a sense of hope, for this individual had enjoyed a fulfilling life.

    #1 at FMF this week.

    1. I am glad you are still listening to God's promptings, however they arrive!

  4. I loved your post! I think that in our hectic society we have forgotten the importance of hospitality and visiting with each other. I was reminded of that this week when I invited my great aunt over. I got to thinking when I last visited with her and remembered that I had let way too much time go by. Life is too short so we need to make time for each other. Thank you for the reminder. :-)

    1. Enjoy all of those moments! I loved visiting with my Great Aunt for so many years before she passed from this life to eternity.

  5. This is wonderful, a clarion call to return to the Word.

    I needed to hear it.

    #1 at FMF this week.

  6. Oh Carol. Thank you. I am one of those who "dreads" visits because I feel like they are such work. Then, when I finally realized I need to just get over it and do it, I enjoy the time and know that someone else has been encouraged, too. Thank you for the kind but straight-forward reminder to not neglect the things we can do to encourage others in the Lord. - Lori

  7. Such sweet encouragement to embrace opportunities to "Take time for fellowship, community, and a visit." Thanks, Carol. I appreciated your "visit" to my blog. Blessings.

  8. community is indeed so important.
