Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thankful Thursdays-2/14/13 - My husband Kurt

Today (and everyday) I am thankful for my husband Kurt. Many people I know will be celebrating Valentine's Day today. I celebrate it every day in my heart. I do not need overpriced flowers or chocolates. (Although we ALL know how much I like chocolate! LOL!) I don't need a night out on the town to know how much Kurt loves me. He expresses it every morning when he gets up and goes to work to provide for our family. My husband loves Jesus, loves me, and loves our daughters ferociously.

When I first met Kurt over 20 years ago, I was pretty sure he was the 'weirdest' person I had ever met. By now, I'm sure of it, and I love him all the more for NOT being just like everyone else. We have been through a lot in the past almost 19 years of marriage. Good times, hard times, struggling times, victorious times. God has always proved Himself faithful to hold us together. The world can pull and tug on our affections and our time. But Kurt holds that special place in my heart, and Jesus holds us both.

What makes a strong marriage? Trials. 

Trials are opportunities to allow God to work through each of us, to reveal HIS power, not our own. Knowing that the only lasting hope for us is Jesus requires us to think of the other person first. Do we always do that? No. Do we try? Yes. Sometimes we struggle and fail, then we say we're sorry. (There's nothing quite so powerful as that first make-up kiss.)

We don't live a normal life. During almost all of our married life, Kurt and I have worked opposite shifts. This presents both unique challenges and unique blessings. It requires us to keep a schedule of who should be where when, and what the girls will be doing each day, or who they will be spending time with. It has allowed us to follow God's call to Home Educate our girls. Emily and Arlene have had to learn to be responsible for their own education, to follow their plan for the day even if Mom or Dad is still asleep when it's time to start the day. That is a blessing that they have been learning for many years, while I see some of their friends still have not learned it.

Living this life has taught us to treasure the time we DO have together as husband and wife. Both Kurt and I have our own individual hobbies and recreation as well as things we enjoy doing together. That ability to enjoy ourselves whether together or separate allows us to keep an even keel on the boat of our family. Kurt loves football. Especially Steelers football. I love Steelers Football too, but the rest of the weekend? You'll find me out in the garden, or baking something, or writing a book review. Kurt is NOT a fan of yardwork. Don't get me wrong, he loves being outdoors, he just doesn't want to plant, weed, harvest, etc. I find great solace for my soul when I spend time in my gardens. God can speak to me in ways that I am often too busy to listen to outside of the garden. We both enjoy walks through the woods, or on the beach.

 I am thankful for my husband, he encourages me to follow where God leads. He really does try to not complain about my wanderings on the path! He is strong, brave, and loving. I don't need a Valentine, I have my soul-mate!


  1. Very sweet! Thanks for the good reminders and inspiration :-)

  2. How sweet! We don't really do Valentine's either. It's so much more special to get to go out for no real reason!
