Sunday, October 20, 2019
Five minutes to tell you something worth reading...
We tell our stories to others to share a bit of where we've been, and sometimes, a part of where we want to be going. I'm sharing about better emotional health here this month because as I sit back and look at how much work God has done in me this year I realize that there are probably plenty of other people out there who are sitting in a dangerous rut of poor emotional health. Are you one of them?
If you are afraid to talk about your true emotions, then yes, you're one of them. If you hide your emotions to keep the peace between people, but the peace is not happening inside of you, you're one of them too. We were created to be people in fellowship with others. We cannot love each other as Christ loved us if we don't share life - and life includes emotions.
Are there situations you keep to yourself, but share with close friends? Good, that's as it should be. Not every emotion you feel needs shared with the crowd, but you do need to sort through them all. Find a friend, a sister, even a therapist if needed. Even if someone else in your life won't get help, don't let it stop you from getting the help you need to move to better emotional health.
Five minutes. Life is short - live it well!
I"m not sure how to respond to this post.... :)