Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things
Dear Moms and Dads,
We so often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to stop and celebrate with our children. We need to work to change this.
The Psalms remind us that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." That includes your children, not just you.
Your toddler who just wrote on the wall with a Sharpie? Yup, fearfully and wonderfully made. That teenager that doesn't like to do their math assignment? They're fearfully and wonderfully made too!
So how do we celebrate small things when life seems so full of chaos and struggle? We look deep and we find things to celebrate. Instead of always focusing on what our children are doing wrong ~ we need to focus on what they're doing right! Did your toddler eat all their peas, learn to use the toilet, put on her own clothes? These are small things that you can celebrate, things you can say "well done" or "great job" to.
In fifteen years you might wonder what happened to that little girl or boy who used to draw on the wall with Sharpies. Instead of focusing your energy on the struggles, focus on the victories. Trust me on this, you're going to want to store up good memories of their childhood for yourself, not just for them.
Whether you choose to keep a journal of the small victories and accomplishments, or just break out into a happy dance in the middle of the kitchen, find a way to celebrate the small things.
That teen that struggles with math? They may be a whiz at another subject. Don't get yourself caught up in the struggle as your only memory of today. Work to find something about each child to celebrate each day. Tell God how thankful you are for these fearfully and wonderfully made children He has blessed you with.
Little children grow up fast. The days are long, but the years are short.
Find something to celebrate today!
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